WRM 2015 - Call for Abstracts

WRM 2015 - Call for Abstracts

Thank you for your interest in speaking at and/or supporting the 2015 Western Regional Meeting. As you know, our meeting will take place November 6-8, 2015 on the campus of California State University – San Marcos.
At this time, we are accepting abstracts for oral presentations and posters. Oral presentations will take place on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th November – all day. The poster sessions will take place Friday and Saturday evenings.
If you are an ACS member, please use the MAPS interface to upload your information: https://westernrm2015.abstractcentral.com.
If you are not an ACS member, please send your name, address, a brief abstract and title, along with whether you are submitting this information for an oral presentation or poster session to: WRM2015abstracts@gmail.com. We will enter the information on your behalf.
Abstracts are due by 11:59 PM EDT on August 24.
Registration for the event and hotel information will be posted on our website later this month.
Please bookmark www.acswrm.org and check back often for updates.
If you have any questions about the event, including questions about sponsorship or the expo, please contact us at WRM2015chair@gmail.com.
Thank you.