Welcome to the 2007 Frontiers in Chemistry, Biopharmaceuticals and
Biotechnology Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
Organized by the San Diego Section of the ACS, this meeting
represents the 41st Western Regional Meeting (WRM) and continues
a longstanding tradition of regional meeting excellence in
San Diego. The Organizing Committee and Scientific
Advisory Board have assembled an incredible diversity of
symposia and high profile speakers programmed loosely around
the meeting's title: Frontiers in Chemistry,
Biopharmaceuticals & Biotechnology. Great science,
great events, and a great place to make connections!
On-line Registration is Now Open
[ Registration Page ]
Technical Program
Click here to download the most up-to-date listing of symposia and a snapshot of committed speakers.
Special Events
Two spectacular signature events capture the professionalism, energy, and buzz surrounding the meeting's title.
- Kick-Off Lecture
On October 9th, 2007, Professor K. C. Nicolaou of The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla will deliver the meeting’s Kick-Off lecture.
Click here
to learn more about this exciting night of science and networking. The Kick-Off lecture is free to all registered attendees.
U.S.S. Midway Extravaganza
On October 10th, 2007, the meeting will host an evening extravaganza on the flight deck of the U.S.S. Midway. The evening will feature a cocktail hour on the flight deck of the Midway overlooking the San Diego Bay and a Keynote Lecture by Dr. Harry B. Gray, the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry at Caltech. Dr. Gray’s lecture is entitled “Powering the Planet with Solar Energy”. Space is limited so reserve early.
Click here to learn more…