Welcome to WRM2011!
Thanks to the organizers and attendees and our sponsors for a great meeting!
Save the date!!! October 2-5, 2013
44th Western Regional Meeting in the Bay Area - The Flavors of Chemistry!!
Red tabs at left hold detailed program information.
See Full Program tab for example with vendors on page 24-26.
[ NEW - WRM2011 Technical Program Now Online with Abstracts! (click here) ]
Watch this space for archived abstracts and selected presentations from the recently completed meeting.
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The 2011 ACS Western Regional Meeting is receiving
generous support from the following sponsors
Program Highlights
Symposia and Plenary Lectures |
Special Events |
Educational Program and Workshops |
History of Chemistry
A Southern California Perspective
(Thursday PM) |
Legacy of Arnold Beckman
Symposium and Reception
Guest Speaker - Dr. Leroy Hood
Thursday 6 - 9 PM |
In the Fast Lane (Friday PM)
"speed dating"-style meetings between students and a wide assortment of chemistry professionals to discuss career choices |
Systems Biology
(Thursday PM)
Governance Luncheon and Presentation of Western Region Awards
(Friday 12:15 PM) |
Undergraduate Poster Session
and Reception (Friday 6 PM) |
Plenary Lecture: Reinterpreting the Genetic Code: Non-Canonical Amino Acids in Protein Design, Evolution and Analysis
Prof. David Tirrell, Caltech (Friday 10:45 AM) |
SCALACS Centennial Banquet and Panel Discussion
(Friday 8 PM) |
Chemistry Educators' Workshops, K-12, and undergraduate curriculum session (Saturday AM) |
Plenary Lecture: Pushing Organic Solar Cells
to Compete With Silicon
Prof. Mark Thompson, USC (Friday 4:30 PM)
Career Services Workshops
and Resume Review
(Saturday 9 - 4 PM) |
Intermediate Intellectual Property Considerations
for Chemistry-Related Entities and Individuals -
Thompson Ph.D., J.D. Buchalter Nemer
(Saturday AM and Saturday PM) |
Special Symposium
Understanding Chemical Reactivity Through Computational Chemistry
(K. N. Houk - Saturday AM)
So You Want to Start a Company? Resources for Entrepreneurs in Chemistry and Other Technologies
(Saturday AM) |
Symposium on National Science Foundation Programs to Support Undergraduate Research |