Students' Page

                        Flyer heading

Choose an element that is interesting to you. Good sources of ideas include:

Register with your choice of element by clicking here before you do your poster.
We will respond with a confirmation or a suggestion that you do another element in case your choice is already being done by several other students.  For example, gold, helium, livermorium, helium, platinum and plutonium are already each being done by several students and are no longer available.
Need suggestions of other elements with cool stories? Ask us!

The deadline for registering is Friday, September 27.

(A late registration might be accepted if we have space, but don't count on this!)

    You will be expected to remain with your poster from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 5 in the Student Poster Session to discuss and explain your poster with meeting attendees. Check in with the poster session organizer at 1:30 and pick up a name tag. You do not need to bring an easel; display boards will be furnished just as they are at national ACS meetings.

    Posters may be dropped off as early as Thursday, October 3  at the ACS meeting information booth of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Santa Clara; they will be held securely until Saturday.
    In the meantime, your poster might be displayed at meeting sessions for attendees to admire.
    The information booth is located in room Napa II located on the lobby level and is open Thursday from 7:30 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. -- 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 7:30 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m.
   There is no cost for you to accompany your poster on Saturday. However, if you want to attend technical sessions from Thursday, October 3, through Saturday, October 5 (there are no events on Sunday, October 6), you will have to register at the student rate of  $10, which will be valid for all sessions.

Poster Instructions:

Layouts   Dimensions: approximately 2 feet x 3 feet.  Use a flat poster board or a mosaic of sheets of regular printer paper.
  Click here or on the thumbnail to see examples of these layouts.

Sample poster  Use creative illustrations and colors to attract viewers. Make your element shine (even if it's non-metallic)!
  Click here or on the thumbnail for an example of an Element poster.

Poster label   Include on the poster your name, grade and school, using a label like the thumbnail at left.
  You can click here to get a page with a larger image of the label on it; you can print it from your browser
  and  then cut it out.

Flyer label  Click here or on the thumbnail to download our flyer. Distribute it to teachers, students, and anyone else who would
  enjoy a trip down the periodic table. Post a colorful paper copy in your school.

   Questions about this poster program can be directed to Elements Poster Session Organizer.


The 2013 Western Region Meeting is a joint venture between
Santa Clara Valley Section,
California Section,
Western Region Board, and
American Chemical Society
All the above are 501(c)3 tax exempt organizations.

Meeting Chairs: Natalie McClure and Lee Latimer
Page Last Modified: 15 April 2015