
Dr. Harry B. Gray
Dr. Gray received his B.S. from Western Kentucky University in 1957 and earned his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 1960. He spent a year as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen and, from 1961 to 1966, was on the faculty of Columbia University. In 1966, he moved to the California Institute of Technology where he is the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry.
“Powering the Planet with Solar Energy”
Many research groups have taken up the 21st century grand challenge of finding efficient and economical ways of storing solar energy in chemical bonds. A major goal is to extract protons and electrons from water using solar driven molecular machines that work as well or better than natural photosystems. Both theorists and experimentalists have worked long and hard in attempts to understand the underlying physics and chemistry of electron flow through proteins and protein assemblies in the photosynthetic and respiratory machinery of living organisms. Lessons learned about the control of electron tunneling and hopping through these and related molecules are aiding the design of sensitizer-modified proteins that incorporate binding sites for catalysts that can generate hydrogen fuel from sunlight and water. |
USS Midway Museum
“Midway Magic” is a historical fact. It was a term known throughout the Navy as the USS Midway steamed through a 47-year career of service to country. Imagine a carrier that was commissioned in 1945 and served as a flagship in Desert Storm in 1991. No other carrier served as long as the USS Midway. When others came home, the USS Midway remained at the “tip of the sword” on an odyssey shared by 225,000 Americans that spanned the surrender of Japan in WWII, the Cold War, Vietnam, the era of détenté and Desert Storm. |
5:30 pm – Buses leave from the Doubletree Hotel
6:00 pm – “No Host” cocktails on the flight deck, guided tours of the Midway and flight simulators
7:15 pm – Dinner begins
8:00 pm – Keynote lecture by Dr. Gray
9:30 pm – Buses leave Midway for the hotel
Price $50
The evening opens with cocktails on the flight deck of the Midway with incredible views of the San Diego harbor. The “No Host” cocktail hour will be followed by a three-course dinner featuring the lecture by Professor Gray. In addition to the banquet and keynote address, the price includes admission to the Midway Museum, round-trip transportation, tours by experience docents, and time on a flight simulator.
Sure to be an incredible night, don’t miss out on this opportunity!!
Download a flier of the USS Midway event here.